
The history of most American families starts somewhere else.

Uproots Genealogy was created to help you unveil the unique mysteries of your past. We reveal your personal history by tracing your family tree accurately and thoroughly, delivering to you an ancestral heritage to pass on to future generations.

Uproots Genealogy achieves this by searching records in the United States and abroad. We scour city, state and federal records; immigration records; naturalization and military records. We pore through census and land-use documents and uncover information hidden in religious archives.

All of our research is documented, sourced and summarized into a cohesive, understandable narrative. Our purpose is to deliver to you a complete and accurate picture of your family's past.

What we offer

  • Traditional research that begins with you and reaches back into your family's past. We aim to uncover where your ancestors came from . . . where they lived, what occupations they practiced, what social issues may have influenced their decisions to move and immigrate.

  • Whether the terminology is "heir search," "estate administration," searching for "heirs with whereabouts unknown," or "unknown heirs" . . . the work is genealogical in nature. Uproots Genealogy aids lawyers with performing due diligence in their search for missing heirs to satisfy the requirements of the Courts.

  • Uproots Genealogy assists lawyers in their search for authors and/or their estates relating to out-of-print media.

  • The ancestry of previous generations may entitle you to dual citizenship. Uproots Genealogy conducts the research to determine if you and your family members meet these requirements. We then acquire and assemble all necessary documents, certificates, translations and certifications into a packet for you to bring to your citizenship interview.